Monday, November 9, 2015


Hello dear citizens of the Ugly Town. Now the things that I will write concerns you very much. Because I am going to tell all the truth behind the surgery for being a pretty. Why? Have you ever thought why does the government trying to change everybody? Aren't they happy the way that we look? Or is there something else behind this whole '' We want our citizens to be happy'' scenario. Well ofcorse there is. Even the government -which everybody trust by the heart- has something to hide away from you. I am a doctor who once took place in the surgeries. After my husband and I did a more specific research about this surgery and we found something that against human rights. When we told about the thing that we saw to the Special Circumstances they threatened us with death. But I never gave up. I did everything to inform people about what is going on. But the Special Circumstances made me and my family run away. Now we are living in the Smoke, which no one actually knows where it is. So you may ask ''What is this really big secret behind this surgery that almost got you killed?''. Here is the deal, the 99.9% of the people who get this surgery has a lesion in

their brain somewhere, which kills the sense of responsibility and makes you happy for no reason all of the time. That is why everybody in Pretty Town is always partying and looks like they have no better things to do than dink, eat and chat all day. Only three types of human beings' don't have this lesion. Politicians, Special Circumstance and doctors. This lesion helps politicians and Special Circumstances to control people easier with their irresponsible behaviors. So now you know everything behind the surgery. There is no turning back once you get the surgery. Once you loose your functions to think logically, you loose it forever. Also why would someone wants to give up on the things that makes us who we are, makes us unique, '' The features that we take from our parents are the things that makes us different. A big nose, thin lips, high forehead all the things that the operation takes away.'' Why would you want to be as same as everyone else. We can do this lovely citizens of the Ugly Town. We can make this place a better, brighter, wiser world for the next generations. A place where there is no pressure, no tricks among each other. We can stop this. But we have to be quick. So come on and help me fight against the government that have tricked all of us from the beginning.